- Burlington Vt
Hi, I'm Stu McGowan, the guy with the brightly colored houses in the Old North End of Burlington, Vt.
Stu McGowan's Experience:
Owner at ShoeLess Management/Konstruction
June 1998 - Present | Old North End, Burlington, VtReal estate redeveloper, manage 80 apts
Owner at The NoodleHead Network
July 1992 - January 2012 | Burlington, VTDistribution of videos made by kids, for kids.
Owner at Stu McGowan Video
June 1986 - June 2007 | Burlington, VTProduced videos, DVDs, CDs made by kids, for kids.
Stu McGowan's Education:
University of Vermont
1981 – 1986BachelorsConcentration: Public relations and media creation
Stu McGowan's Interests & Activities:
Kiteboarding, wakeboarding, snowboarding, traveling